12th April 2024
These general terms govern the contractual relationship applicable between Printemps SAS and its customers in relation to the Club Printemps loyalty scheme.
1. General terms
The Club Printemps loyalty scheme is offered by Printemps S.A.S., with share capital of €50 000 000, Paris Trade and Companies Registry no. 503 314 767, whose registered office is located in Paris (75009), 102 rue de Provence. It aims at allowing members of the Club Printemps loyalty scheme to take advantage of the benefits described below.
The Club Printemps members (hereafter the “member(s)” or “holder(s) of the Club Printemps Card”) benefit from the Club Printemps loyalty scheme (hereafter the “Loyalty Scheme” or “Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme”) which may be attached or not to a revolving credit card (see article 10 of this document) enabling to pay cash or on credit, as specifically chosen by the customer at the check-out or when receiving his/her account statement, for any private individual who is more than 18 years old. It is understood that in this last case, the purchases must be made for the actual purpose of the holder of the revolving credit card; the latter is forbidden from retailing the items to third parties, whether private individuals or professionals.
The rewards of the Loyalty Scheme may not be combined with the rewards reserved for the international clientele, such as the Welcome card, the offers reserved for employees of the Printemps Group or the rewards of the Printemps Listes card.
The Loyalty Scheme enables to obtain a status (hereafter “Status”) as defined in article 3.1 for any eligible purchase on www.printemps.com, www.placedestendances.com and in the Printemps Outlet Miramas store and in all Printemps stores (hereafter referred to together as the “Stores eligible for the Status”) with the exception of the Printemps Brest, Caen, Le Havre and Tours stores, partner brands of Printemps such as Citadium or the Made In Design website and the marketplaces of the Printemps Group (hereafter the “Excluded Stores”).
The member may join the Loyalty Scheme, free of charge, in accordance with the conditions of article 2 and thus obtain the Club Printemps Card (hereafter “Club Printemps Card”). The Club Printemps Card is digitised and has a 16-figure number. It is strictly personal and may not be sold, transferred or lent.
It only enables to link a number to the purchases made by the member. The account linked to the Club Printemps Card contains all of the information related to the member's loyalty: his/her Status, Club Printemps Wallet and the due dates, rewards, etc. It is specified that the holders of a physical Printania card (former name of the Printemps loyalty scheme) may keep it and show it at the check-out, as it will remain active. Similarly, members of the Printania loyalty scheme become members of Club Printemps, automatically, unless they specifically object to this.
The member hereby agrees that the Loyalty Scheme may be totally or partially amended, at any time and may not be the subject of any claim or request for damages of any kind whatsoever in relation to Printemps. The up-to-date general terms and conditions of the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme are available at all times on the www.printemps.com website.
These general terms and conditions and any amendments to them are considered as approved by the member as from the use of the Club Printemps Card, a reward or a service of the Loyalty Scheme.
2.1 The Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme is open to any private individual who is over 18 years old. Legal entities and other corporate bodies are not permitted to become members.
2.2 Each person eligible for the Loyalty Scheme may only benefit from one Club Printemps Card, as the latter is personal.
Printemps reserves the possibility to ask for the presentation of proof at any time enabling to identify the person wishing to join or who has joined the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme.
Members with a card linked to a revolving credit with payment option (see article 10 of this document) may be identified by using the QR code located on this card. It is understood that the purchases must be made for the exclusive purposes of the holder of the Club Printemps Card. The latter is forbidden from any retail to third parties, private individuals or professionals.
It is possible to join the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme:
- In all Printemps stores that are eligible for the Loyalty Scheme (see article 1), by asking a sales assistant or at the Printemps Services desk
- Via the www.printemps.com website, by creating an account in the Member Area or by joining the Loyalty Scheme when creating an account on www.printemps.com or at any time in the “My Account” section via the link https://www.printemps.com/fr/fr/connexion-inscription
- By scanning a self-membership QR code displayed in the various Printemps stores and indicating the necessary information (title, surname, first name, telephone number, email, country of residency).
The following data must be communicated in full and accurately, when joining the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme: title, surname, first name, birthday, email address, country of residency and telephone number. Once the information has been indicated and confirmed, the customer is a member of the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme; he/she should then confirm his/her registration by clicking on the link sent by SMS to finalise the registration and take advantage of the rewards. Via this link, he/she may also digitise the Club Printemps card in the Wallet app of his/her smartphone (article 2.5). This confirmation enables to ensure the security of the member's account and rewards.
Any change in address, name and/or any other information that may be required must be notified as soon as possible via the member's area on the www.printemps.com website or via the contact form provided on the www.printemps.com website. In this respect, Printemps may ask the member for any evidence deemed as necessary. The member guarantees the accuracy of all information provided. He/she is exclusively responsible for any incorrect, incomplete or obsolete information provided by him/her. Printemps will not, in any event, be responsible in the case of lack of receipt of an offer, impossibility to use a service or a reward as a result of obsolete or incorrect information.
2.3 Members with a joint account with a co-holder as part of the Printania loyalty scheme may keep it. The holder is in control of the loyalty account and receives information for managing his/her account. The co-holder only has a right to consult it. The rewards may be used by both the holder and the co-holder.
It is not possible to open a new joint account with a holder and co-holder in the Club Printemps scheme.
2.4 In order to improve the Status in relation to the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme and to enjoy any rewards reserved for such Status in relation to the Loyalty Scheme, the member must:
- In participating Printemps Stores (with the exception of Excluded Stores):
- show their digitised Club Printemps Card (via the Wallet of their telephone) or physical card, if they have a valid card when paying for their purchase.
- or give their identity with their email address or telephone number when paying for their purchase. Members who cannot be identified when making their purchase also have a period of thirty (30) days following the purchase in which to assert their rights by sending a request to the customer services department using the contact form available at the following link https ://support.printemps.com/hc/fr-fr/requests/new and enclosing a photocopy of the till receipt corresponding to the purchase. Printemps reserves the right to refuse the request, in particular if the purchases made are not eligible for the Loyalty Scheme.
- On the www.printemps.com website:
- create an account by using the email address communicated to become a member of the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme, as a username. The Printemps.com account and the Club Printemps account will then be automatically coupled.
- or become a member of the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme when creating the account on printemps.com or at any time before placing an order in the “My Account” section
Each valid Club Printemps account number may only be associated with one customer account on www.printemps.com and vice versa.
- On the www.placedestendances.com website: the Club Printemps member may link their Club Printemps account so that their purchases on the www.placedestendances.com website are taken into consideration for the calculation of their Status by indicating their Club Printemps account number (16-figure number starting with 5516) in their “My Account” area accessible on the www.placedestendances.com website. However, the rewards of the Loyalty Scheme as described in article 3 may not be used on www.placedestendances.com.
2.5 Upon receipt of an email or sms sent by Printemps, the holder of a Club Printemps Card may digitise it in the Wallet of their smartphone by clicking on the link in the email or sms. This service is provided free of charge and is accessible subject to having a smartphone that is compatible with access to the internet. Once the Club Printemps Card is installed, the member may consult the main information regarding his/her loyalty account and show it in the stores in order to benefit from the Loyalty Scheme rewards.
Club Printemps members may also be informed, via notifications on their smartphone, of transactions recorded on their loyalty account or news and commercial operations from Printemps.
Through the settings of the telephone, members may manage the receipt/lack of receipt of notifications and uninstall the Club Printemps Card. A Club Printemps Card may only be digitised on one telephone and Printemps reserves the possibility to request the presentation of proof enabling to identify the person showing a digitised Club Printemps Card before any use of a reward and to disable access to the services in accordance with article 7 of this document.
3.1. Les Statuts
Le Programme de fidélité Club Printemps distingue trois Statuts (1 cœur, 2 cœurs, 3 cœurs) selon le montant dépensé sur des achats éligibles réalisés au cours des douze (12) derniers mois glissants dans les Magasins éligibles au Statut, sous réserve de s'identifier en tant que membre du Programme de fidélité Club Printemps , ou sur les sites Internet www.printemps.com et www.placedestendances.com sous réserve qu'un compte Club Printemps valide soit associé au compte client.
Il est entendu que ne seront pas pris en compte dans le calcul permettant de déterminer le Statut du membre, les achats effectués dans les cas suivants : dépenses pour l'utilisation de services, dont Printemps Listes ou l'achat effectué avec la carte Printemps Listes, l'achat d'une carte cadeau Printemps ou un chèque cadeau, l'utilisation d'un bon de réduction, l'espace Watchfinder,, les services beauté, les restaurants non opérés par Printemps et les frais de livraison.
Le membre peut connaître son Statut en se rendant au sein de son espace membre du site internet www.printemps.com ou sur simple demande en se rendant directement en magasin Printemps participant ou en consultant la Carte Club Printemps dématérialisée qu'il aura le cas échéant ajoutée au Wallet de son smartphone (article 2.5).
Dès le dépassement du palier permettant d'accéder au Statut supérieur (exemple : passage du Statut 1 cœur à 2 cœurs), le titulaire de la carte Club Printemps bénéficiera, dans un délai de 72 heures à compter de la date d’achat (ou dans un délai de 72 heures après réception d’une commande réalisée par un client dans un Magasin Printemps (hors magasin Printemps Outlet, Miramas et Giverny) ou dans un délai de 1 mois sur www.printemps.com. Et hors achats réalisés sur la marketplace de www.printemps.com, c’est-à-dire pour les produits non vendus par la société PRINTEMPS, pour lesquels le membre bénéficiera de ses points statuts 30 jours après l’envoi de la confirmation de sa commande) dudit dépassement des avantages associés à ce nouveau Statut lors de ses prochains achats éligibles.
Une communication spécifique mentionnant le nouveau Statut sera automatiquement envoyée aux membres ayant accepté de recevoir les communications du Printemps.
Le membre peut également voir son Statut être rétrogradé d'un ou plusieurs niveaux à la date anniversaire du Statut selon le montant dépensé sur des achats éligibles réalisés au cours des douze (12) derniers mois glissants dans les Magasins éligibles au Statut.
Le nouveau Statut s'applique au membre et à l'éventuel co-titulaire le cas échéant.
Le maintien dans le Statut est assuré pour une durée de 12 mois glissants à compter de la date de changement de Statut.
3.2. Cagnotte Club Printemps
Le Programme de fidélité Club Printemps permet à chaque membre, après identification de son compte de fidélité et dans les conditions mentionnées ci-dessous, d'accéder à une Cagnotte Club Printemps (ci-après « Cagnotte Club Printemps »).
Cette Cagnotte Club Printemps est alimentée par :
- La Journée Club Printemps : durée de validité de 6 mois à compter de la date d'acquisition de la Journée Club Printemps (détails à l'article 3.3)
- L'offre anniversaire du membre : disponible le jour de l'anniversaire du membre, avec une durée de validité de 31 jours à compter de la date d'anniversaire du membre (détails à l'article 3.3).
- Des opérations commerciales identifiées tout au long de l'année : durée de validité de 6 mois à compter du lendemain de l'achat éligible ayant permis d'alimenter la Cagnotte.
Il est précisé que la Cagnotte Club Printemps ne pourra être utilisée que dans le magasin Printemps Outlet Miramas et Giverny, sur Printemps.com et dans tous les magasins Printemps, hors Magasins exclus, hors site internet www.placedestendances.com et hors achats réalisés auprès des revendeurs de la marketplace de printemps.com (produits non vendus par la société PRINTEMPS), pour une durée de six mois glissants (sauf disposition contraire) à compter de son acquisition.»
La Cagnotte Club Printemps ne sera pas utilisable dans les cas suivants : restauration non opérée par Printemps, Watchfinder, utilisation de services, dont Printemps Listes ou achat effectué avec la carte Printemps Listes, achat d'une carte cadeau, achat dans les Magasins exclus et hors site internet www.placedestendances.com.
Le pourcentage de tout achat éligible sera crédité dans la Cagnotte Club Printemps du membre dans un délai de 72 heures à compter de la date d’achat (ou dans un délai de 72 heures après réception d’une commande réalisée par un client dans un Magasin Printemps (hors magasin Printemps Outlet, Miramas et Giverny) ou dans un délai de 1 mois sur www.printemps.com) de l'achat en euros magasin (hors achats réalisés sur la marketplace de www.printemps.com, c’est-à-dire pour les produits non vendus par la société PRINTEMPS, pour lesquels le membre bénéficiera d'un montant reversé dans sa Cagnotte Club Printemps 30 jours après l’envoi de la confirmation de sa commande), ou en livres sterling pour les membres habitant au Royaume-Uni et payant dans cette devise et utilisable au centime d'euro (livre sterling) près après déclenchement à la demande du membre réalisant un achat. En cas de changement de devise pour le règlement, la conversion se fait sur la base de 1€ = 1£. La Cagnotte Club Printemps peut être utilisée à tout moment (y compris en période de promotions) dans la limite de 50% du total net du ticket d'achat ou de la facture (exemple : Sur un ticket à 100€, jusqu'à 50€ peuvent être réglés en utilisant la Cagnotte Club Printemps). La Cagnotte Club Printemps peut être utilisée lorsqu'une Journée Club Printemps est déclenchée.
L'utilisation de la Cagnotte Club Printemps sera limité à 5% du prix d'achat au sein de la librairie.
En cas d'utilisation de la Cagnotte Club Printemps sur l'achat de plusieurs articles simultanément sur le même ticket d'achat ou la facture, la répartition de la Cagnotte Club Printemps utilisée est faite équitablement selon le pourcentage du total que représente chaque produit.
3.3. Détail des avantages du Programme
Le Programme permet d'obtenir un statut (ci-après « Statut ») tel que défini à l'article 3.1 pour tout achat éligible sur www.printemps.com (en ce compris la marketplace de www.printemps.com qui propose des produits non vendus par la société PRINTEMPS), www.placedestendances.com ainsi que dans le magasin Printemps Outlet Miramas et Giverny dans tous les magasins Printemps (ci-après désignés ensemble les « Magasins éligibles au Statut ») à l'exception des magasins Printemps Brest, Caen, Le Havre et Tours, des enseignes partenaires de Printemps telles que Citadium ou le site internet Made In Design ainsi que de la marketplace de placedestendances.com (ci-après les « Magasins exclus »).
En fonction de son Statut, le membre a accès à une sélection d'avantages définis et limités. Sauf disposition contraire mentionnée ci-dessous, chaque avantage est valable pour une durée de 12 mois glissants) à compter de sa date d'acquisition.

Club Printemps Day: A Club Printemps day is a period that starts at midnight and ends at 11.59p.m. with retroactive effect on any purchases made earlier the same day (before the activation). The Club Printemps Day is activated at the store check-out, when validating the basket on www.printemps.com or by booking a Personal Shopper as part of the Club Printemps Day on the www.printemps.com website. On the date of activating the Club Printemps Day, the member benefits from an amount paid into his/her Club Printemps Wallet defined according to his/her Status as follows:
1-heart Status: as from 500 Euros of purchases, the member benefits from a Club Printemps Day with 10% * of the amount of the day's purchases paid into his/her Club Printemps Wallet.
2-hearts Status: between 1 500 Euros and 3 999.99 Euros of purchases, the member benefits from two Club Printemps Days with 12%* of the amount of the purchases of the day paid into his/her Club Printemps Wallet.
3-hearts Status: as from 4 000 Euros of purchases, the member benefits from two Club Printemps Days with 15%* of the amount of the purchases of the day paid into his/her Club Printemps Wallet.
* The Spring Club Day benefit will be limited to 5% on the following list of brands: Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels Haute Joallerie, Loewe, Balenciaga, Moncler, Gucci, Fendi, Dior, Céline, Chanel, Bottega Veneta, as well as on purchases in bookstores, in the Printemps Miramas outlet store or in Second Printemps spaces, restaurants operated by Printemps.
The benefits of the Club Printemps Days will not apply to purchases made in the following areas: Louis Vuitton, Goyard, Watchfinder, beauty parlour services, deliveries, restaurants not run by Printemps, purchases with store credit, gift cards.
E.g.: for a member with the 3-hearts Status, for €1000 of purchases, €150 will be paid into his/her Club Printemps Wallet, which will be available and useable as from the following day.
In this respect, Printemps reserves the right to request, at any time, the presentation of proof enabling to identify the member wishing to benefit from a Club Printemps Day.
The Club Printemps Day can be combined with any of the commercial offers indicated, except for specific displays and cash-back offers: this advantage will not be combined with the Club Printemps Day and the Club Printemps Kitty will be credited to the most advantageous offer) for any purchase made (excluding bookstore purchases with use of the Club Printemps Kitty limited to 5% of the purchase price in the bookstore, excluding expenses for the use of services, including Printemps Listes or purchases made with the Printemps Listes card, the purchase of a Printemps gift card or gift certificate, the use of a coupon or gift card, excluding the use of the Cagnotte Club Printemps. ) on www.printemps.com, as well as in all Printemps stores, excluding Magasins exclus, the Printemps Outlet Miramas store, and excluding the www.placedestendances.com website, made by the member who has previously identified himself and activated his Printemps Club Day.
It is understood that when using a Spring Club Day, the Kitty credit will be calculated on eligible purchases up to a maximum of €10,000 (purchase amount net of discount) over the calendar day.
From the 2-hearts Status, the Club Printemps day is enhanced with advantages in terms of experiences. Members have the possibility of booking an appointment with a Personal Shopper, via their Member Area on www.printemps.com. During this appointment, the member may benefit from special attention according to store availability.
In the event of partial or total refund of the purchases made during the Club Printemps Day, the Club Printemps Day may not be returned to the member.
In the event of a change in Status, any Club Printemps Day(s) not used will be forfeited and the member will benefit from the number of Club Printemps Days corresponding to the new Status as from the date of change in Status.
For any purchase of a wedding outfit (hereafter the “Outfit(s)”) by a member during his/her Club Printemps Days, a deposit will be requested. As the Outfit is made per order, the member will pay the whole amount of the price of the Outfit as indicated on the Outfit order form. No cancellation will be accepted. The Outfit will remain Printemps' ownership until full payment of the agreed price. The same applies for any item of custom-made clothing at the request of the member.
Off-season, clearance and printemps.com outlet: discounted prices for the Club Printemps members
Private Sales and Pre-Sales: Access to promotional operations reserved for Club Printemps members throughout the year.
Birthday present: As from the 2-hearts Status, an amount will be automatically credited to the member's Club Printemps Wallet on the member's birthday only, depending on his/her Status. Consequently, the co-holder may not benefit from any present on his/her birthday.
Amount credited per Status that may be used within the 31 days following the member's birthday:
2 hearts: 10 Euros
3 hearts: 40 Euros
Payment terms: for the members holding the Visa Printemps card, see article 10.2 of this document.
Simple alterations provided free of charge as from the “2-hearts” Status: In all participating Printemps stores except for Excluded Stores, www.printemps.com, www.placedestendances.com and Printemps Outlet Miramas. Simple alterations include trouser hems, skirt and straight dress hems without slit, hand or machine-stitched hems. Complex alterations include sleeve lengths, total skirt/dress or trouser lengths and mends. Alterations are made on brand-new, unworn items, where the customer having joined the Loyalty Scheme has been identified at the check-out when making the purchases. All additional alterations will be invoiced at the basic price. Alteration prices and services will only apply to feasible alterations, remaining close to the original model.
Free drink: as from the 2-hearts Status, 1 coffee or one non-alcoholic drink (excluding squeezed juice) provided free of charge at Printemps Haussmann Paris (75009) or at Printemps Nation (75012) for each purchase made in this same store only, within the limit of 1 drink per day. If the drink is not requested on the same day, it will be forfeited. The member may obtain his/her drink:
- At Printemps Haussmann (75009): only at the Bar Perché
- At Printemps Nation (75012): Café Vert
Free delivery in France and in the European Union: for all purchases of an amount of more than 150 Euros for 1-heart and 2-heart Status levels and without any minimum purchase amount for 3-hearts Status level, excluding watches, fine jewellery, parcels of +1m3 or +10kg, multiple-piece shipments, furniture, vases, rugs, mirrors, lamps, suitcases, perfumes, varnishes and foodstuff in the Printemps stores, on www.printemps.com, or for assisted sales from the store (via telephone or mobile application), except for Excluded Stores and Printemps Outlet Miramas.
Free delivery to Paris from €50 of purchases within Printemps du Goût (levels 7 and 8 of Printemps Haussmann Paris 75009)
Free parking subject to purchase on day of visit in all participating Printemps stores except for Excluded Stores and Printemps Outlet in Miramas:
- 2 times 1hr per year for 2-heart Status members
- 6 times 1hr per year for 3-heart Status members. These hours may be used freely up to 3hr/day of purchase.
Priority access to events in participating Printemps stores with “Club Printemps Invitations”:
Priority access to booking events on www.printemps.com from 2-heart Status. Each Printemps store except Excluded Stores and Printemps outlet Miramas organises events (concerts, cocktails, workshops, etc.). Some will be subject to special access for Club Printemps members from 2-heart Status level.
Priority access to new arrivals of second-hand products: Preferential communication by newsletter related to new arrivals of second-hand products in the Printemps stores in question, sent to members of the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme having agreed to receive communication related to the Loyalty Scheme, from 2-heart Status level.
3.4. Returns, exchanges and refunds
Products purchased in a Printemps store may be returned in all Printemps stores (except for Excluded Stores and Printemps Outlet Miramas) upon presentation of the till receipt (physical or digitised) according to the terms and conditions of the Printemps store in question.
For products purchased on www.printemps.com, the returns and exchanges will be organised according to the GTSU (general terms of sale and use) available here: https://www.printemps.com/fr/fr/conditions-generales-vente-utilisation
It is understood that the returned or exchanged product(s) must be new, not worn, in their original packaging and with their label.
The refund is made using the same method of payment as that used for the purchase.
A refund upon presentation of a gift ticket without the price will take place by crediting a Printemps gift card with the amount to be refunded.
Special cases:
- Refund of a product purchased during a Club Printemps Day:
The item will be refunded (cf. conditions previously indicated)
The Club Printemps Day used will not be reallocated
The Euros credited to the Club Printemps Wallet and corresponding to such item will be deducted from the Club Printemps Wallet. If the Club Printemps Wallet does not have a sufficient credit balance, the difference will be deducted from the refund
- Refund of a product purchased using the Club Printemps Wallet:
The item will be refunded (cf. conditions previously indicated)
The Club Printemps Wallet will be automatically and immediately credited with the balance used during the purchase of the item in question and its initial end-of-validity date will be maintained. Where a part of the purchases of a till receipt or invoice is returned, the rule of allocation of use in proportion to the item being refunded will prevail for recrediting the Club Printemps Wallet.
item 1 = €50 + item 2 = €100. Ticket = €150
Use of €15 of Club Printemps Wallet
€5 are used for item 1 and €10 for item 2
The Printemps Group attaches great importance and care to protecting your personal data and provides Customers with all necessary information regarding the way in which their Personal Data (as this term is defined in our Personal Data Protection Policy) are collected, processed and protected in relation to the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme. You may consult our Personal Data Protection Policy using this link: https://www.printemps.com/fr/fr/protection-donnees-personnelles.
5.1 Club Printemps Loyalty Card
In the event of loss or theft of the Club Printemps Card of a member or loss or theft of the member's mobile telephone or computer, the member should contact the Printemps Services desk of his/her Printemps store (except for Excluded Stores) or contact the customer services department using the contact form available on the www.printemps.com website in order to block the card.
The rewards acquired and not used will be kept by the member. However, Printemps declines all responsibility, including for fraudulent use of the rewards by a third party before the card is blocked.
5.2 Visa Printemps Loyalty Card
For a credit card associated with a revolving credit (see article 10 of this document), the member must contact the customer services department of Sofinco (7 days a week and 24 hours a day on 0 973 323 332, toll-free number) to block all payments with the Visa Printemps card and the Printemps customer services department using the contact form available on the www.printemps.com website to block the use of the loyalty rewards of the card.
In the event of lack of use of the Club Printemps loyalty account for a period of three (3) years as from the last use, the latter will be automatically closed. In this respect, the member will receive a prior information email enabling him/her to carry out the necessary procedure to remain a member of the Loyalty Scheme, if he/she wishes.
At any time, the member of the account or a third party acting on the latter's behalf (with presentation of proof: death, appointment of a guardian, etc...) may request the closure of the account in a store: the card(s) linked to the account will then be disabled and the rewards acquired will be forfeited. This request may also be made online using the contact form (https://support.printemps.com/hc/fr-fr/requests/new).
For cases where the member holds a Visa Printemps Card (see article 10.2 of this document), Printemps may exclude the member from the Loyalty Scheme without being able to close the credit facility. The credit facility associated with the Visa Printemps Card will remain active. The customer will then be able to continue to use the card for payments only.
A VISA Printemps card may be renewed in stores at the Printemps Services desk upon presentation of valid proof of identity.
The customer may request the termination at any time of the credit agreement and/or card agreement in writing according to the Sofinco terms and conditions. The termination by the customer takes effect thirty (30) days following the date of sending the notification to the Issuer. The termination by the Issuer takes effect two (2) months after the date of sending the notification to the customer. The request must be made by letter sent to the following address: CA Consumer Finance - Service résiliation - BP 50075 - 77213 AVON Cedex, France.
The Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme provides rewards and services to loyal members of Printemps depending on their purchases. This Loyalty Scheme implies that the member respects these terms and conditions of the Loyalty Scheme and has a loyal conduct in relation to Printemps.
Consequently, the following deeds will entail, as of right, the termination of the loyalty account along with the disabling of the related card(s), the loss of the Status level and the rewards, without any compensation or damages of any kind being able to be claimed from Printemps:
- any breach of these general terms and conditions,
- any abusive or fraudulent use of the rewards and services provided by the Loyalty Scheme,
- any purchase of more than ten (10) products of the same reference within the Beauty department, per day,
- or any purchase of more than five (5) products of the same reference within the other departments, per day
- any deed that may disrupt the smooth running of the Loyalty Scheme and/or the stores,
- any falsification of the information provided by the member or a third party acting on the member's behalf,
- and more generally, any conduct that may harm the interests of Printemps.
In light of the above, company Printemps also reserves the right to take any measures or to bring any action (including before court) that it may deem necessary.
The Printemps Group is exempt from any responsibility for all direct or indirect consequences of any problems or defects related to the Club Printemps card, account, www.placedestendances.com website, www.printemps.com website, regardless of their causes.
Where the number of rewards obtained is contested, only the information contained in the Printemps database will be taken as binding, unless proof to the contrary.
All or part of the rewards and services of the Loyalty Scheme, and the methods of use and validity, may be amended at any time unilaterally by the Printemps Group, without notice, without any claim or compensation of any kind whatsoever being required either by the holder of the Club Printemps Card or the co-holder, or any third party.
For any question related to the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme, the members may contact the customer services department using the contact form accessible from the personal area or the “Contact” section on the printemps.com website via https://support.printemps.com/hc/fr-fr/requests/new.
A loan is a commitment and must be repaid. Please check your repayment capacities before committing.
It is possible to benefit from a credit card associated with a revolving credit as part of the Loyalty Scheme. The VISA Printemps Card is a credit card proposed by our partner, Sofinco, associated with a revolving credit, that may be used for cash and/or credit payments, as chosen specifically by you at the check-out or when receiving your account statement. The rate applicable to the credit depends on the level corresponding to the amount actually borrowed. This amount is defined daily by all of the uses and repayments of the Borrower. The rate applicable may therefore evolve upwards or downwards, depending on the level of the amount of credit thus used by the Borrower. Offer reserved for private individuals. Revolving credit granted subject to acceptance by CA Consumer Finance of which SOFINCO is a brand name, SA company with share capital of €554 482 422 whose registered office is located at 1 Rue Victor Basch - CS 70001 - 91068 MASSY Cedex, France, Evry Trade and Companies Registry no. 542 097 522, insurance intermediary registered with ORIAS under number 07008079 (www.orias.fr). For all financing of a purchase of more than 1 000 Euros, we can also offer you a depreciable credit agreement.
You have a right to object, free of charge, to the use of your personal data for commercial canvassing purposes by contacting the customer services department: SOFINCO - BP 50075 - 77213 AVON Cedex, France. You have a right to object, free of charge, to the use of your personal data for commercial canvassing purposes by contacting the customer services department: SOFINCO - BP 50075 - 77213 AVON Cedex, France.
10.1 Promotions and commercial offers
Holders of the VISA Printemps Card benefit from the same rewards and services as holders of the Club Printemps Card (see article 3.4 of this document). In addition, they benefit from a specific advantage of a 15% discount on the whole store when paying with the VISA Printemps credit card, on the day of signing up for the Printemps revolving credit and upon presentation of the voucher provided to the customer on the same day. Excluding red dots, foodstuff, restaurants, bookstores and services (donator payments Printemps Listes, Printemps gift card) and items from the 7ème ciel area of the Printemps Haussmann store (Paris 75009) and second-hand items from the Printemps Haussmann store (Paris 75009). Offer valid in all Printemps stores except Printemps Brest, Caen, Le Havre, Tours, Printemps Outlet in Miramas and Printemps du Goût, may be combined with other discounts (except for discounts reserved for employees of the Printemps Group) or promotions in progress. Printemps reserves the right to terminate such operation at any time. They also benefit from a revolving credit in accordance with the general terms and conditions provided to them upon signature of their agreement.
10.2. Methods of payment
The holder of the VISA Printemps card has the possibility of paying for purchases made in stores with the card, in cash or on credit. Pay in several instalments from €90 of purchases made on the same day and in the same store. Indicate this at the check-out before the payment: select the payment option that you prefer, directly on the payment terminal keyboard. Cash payment: the amount of your purchase will then be deducted on the 5th of the following month. Payment by monthly instalments: to pay as you like, without any minimum purchase in accordance with the usual terms and conditions of your revolving credit. You may change your mind without difficulty if you wish to pay a cash repayment in monthly instalments. From the day after your purchase and until receipt of your account statement, you can change your mind again on the way in which to repay the amount by connecting to your customer area (https://mon-espace-client.sofinco.fr).
If the holder prefers to benefit from a depreciable loan, he/she may contact Sofinco on 09 73 32 33 09 (toll-free number). Printemps may exclude a customer from the Club Printemps Loyalty Scheme but may not close his/her credit facility. The customer may therefore continue to use his/her card for payments only.
10.3. Renewal and termination
A VISA Printemps Card may be renewed in a store at the Printemps Services desk upon presentation of valid proof of identity.
Customers may request the termination of their credit agreement and/or card agreement in writing in accordance with the Sofinco terms and conditions. The termination by the customer is effective thirty (30) days after the date of sending the notification to the Issuer. The termination by the Issuer is effective two (2) months after the date of sending the notification to the customer. The request must be sent by letter to the following address: CA Consumer Finance -Service résiliation - BP 50075 - 77213 AVON Cedex, France. The VISA Printemps Card lasts for three (3) years subject to the activity of the account (please refer to the specific terms and conditions related to this typology of card).
10.4. Responsibility
The responsibility of the Printemps Group may not be incurred in any event, in the case of damage as a result of the use of the VISA Printemps Card, regardless of the origin of the damage.
These General Terms cancel and replace all previous documents.