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8D Music: Immersive Concerts From Home

NEWS | April 21, 2020
© Interscope/Polydor/Universal Music
The mind-blowing technique that is 8D brings listeners a sonic experience like never before, intensifying musical depths to levels heretofore unknown.

After going viral in 2018, 8D music has been flooding social networks since the start of lockdown. Thanks to a simple pair of headphones or listening set, this technique gives you the impression that the tunes are coming from an exterior sound system, creating the same impression as a live concert. 8D audio is to music what 3D is to cinema. But is it just a gadget, or are we looking at a revolution? One thing's for sure: it's invigorating our listening possibilities.

Disconcerting at first, 8D isn't necessarily a "new" technology, but rather the result of a combination of well-known effects like reverb and panoramic sound. The latter makes it possible to distribute sound across space, playing on the left and right ear, and varying in tandem with the song. 8D literally refers to the octo-directional sound. The amplified use of this technique is allowing listeners to experience the sensation of listening to music resonating through space, enveloping them, all through their headphones.

Today, professionals and amateurs are working on existing tracks to adapt them to the new technology and its eight dimensions. On Youtube and Spotify, dedicated playlists — which should be consumed in moderation — are popping up across streaming platforms, and the list of singles released in 8D is also booming. Of course, some tunes are better-adapted to 8D than others. In any case, it offers a welcome pairing between studio-recorded melodies and their live experience. Above all, it allows us to close our eyes and travel elsewhere. The 8th dimension can count us in.

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